Dear Luis, I am attaching my contribution, ``Formation of Supermassive Black Holes: Simulations in General Relavitity'' for the book you are editing for the Carnegie Symposium on the Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies. The attachment contains all the relevant files, including ps files for all the figures, the Cambridge macros (trivially adapted to allow insertion of ps files, as I wrote to you earlier), paper.tex containing the tex file for the chapter and ready for immediate inspection. Let me know that you have received this package (tar'd and zipped) and are able to unpack the material to obtain the manuscript and all the related files. A few of my embedded figures are taken from my previously published papers. The references are specifically acknowledged in the figure captions. If required, Cambridge Univ Press can send permission forms to the journals referenced, but presumably that is something Cambridge can handle themselves. Keenly aware of your stated goal of producing a quality volume of lasting significance, I have spent considerable effort crafting my chapter. In fact, I began in the summer and wrote much of it well before the meeting. As you requested, my article incorporates a review of other work in the field, as well as a summary of my own effort. You will note that, as a result, the reference list is a full two pages, which drives up the total length of my manuscript to 18 pages, after much editing. I hope that you will be able to mortgage this against one of the other contributions that comes in a little under 16 pages. Cutting my article back further than I have already will be *very* painful. Thanks again for organizing and hosting such a timely and well-run meeting and for producing a volume that should be widely read and appreciated by colleagues for years to come. All the best, Stu --------------------------------------------- Stuart L. Shapiro Professor of Physics and Astronomy & NCSA Senior Research Scientist University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign email: phone: 217-333-5427 fax: 217-333-4990