X-ray Observations of Groups
Most galaxies in the local universe, including our own Galaxy, belong to
small groups.
Even though groups are the most common environments of galaxies,
we know
surprisingly little
about these systems, especially compared to rich clusters of galaxies. This is
because group studies are hampered by small number
statistics: a typical poor group contains only a few bright galaxies.
Some of the outstanding questions regarding these systems include: 1) Are groups
bound physical systems or simply chance superpositions of galaxies along the
line of sight? 2) If groups are bound, why have more of them not merged to form a single
galaxy, given their high galaxy
densities and short crossing times? 3) What is the
typical mass of a group and how do
groups contribute to the mass density of the universe? 4) How is the
evolution of galaxies different in groups than in rich clusters?
and 5) How have groups evolved in time?
The recent discovery that many groups are X-ray emitters has provided
considerable new insight into these important systems.
ROSAT imaging studies indicate that the X-ray emission in groups is often
extending well-beyond the
apparent optical extent of the group. This X-ray emission is believed to
be bremstralung emission from a very low density, highly ionized
gas. I like to refer to this extended gas component as the intragroup
medium in analogy to the X-ray emitting intracluster medium found in
rich clusters of galaxies. The X-ray data can be used to derive many of the
most important properties of the gas:
1) the global gas temperature;
2) the projected temperature as a function of radius; 3) the projected
gas density as a function
of radius and 4) the \lq\lq metallicity\rq\rq \ of the gas, derived from the
strengths of emission lines of
abundant elements like iron, oxygen, silicon and sulfur. With these observables
and minor assumptions about the state of the hot gas, we can probe the
dynamics of groups and the star formation history of the group galaxies.
Perhaps the most fundamental quantity of a group is its total mass.
X-ray observations allow us to obtain an estimate for this quantity that
is independent of other methods.
Since the sound crossing times in groups is short compared to a Hubble time,
the intragroup medium
should be in hydrostatic equilibrium. When the condition of
hydrostatic equilibrium is met,
the total mass interior to any particular radius is
a simple function of the gas temperature and gas density. As these quantities
can be measured directly from the X-ray observations,
the mass of the system can be
In the last few years,
Richard Mushotzky (NASA/GSFC), Dave Davis (MIT), David Burstein
(ASU) and I have applied the
hydrostatic equilibrium technique to
approximately 40 poor groups. The typical group mass is approximately
one-fifth the mass of a cluster like Virgo. However, because
the number density of
X-ray detected groups is approximately
five to ten times higher than the number
density of clusters like Virgo, the
contribution of X-ray detected groups to
the total mass density of the universe is comparable to
that of rich clusters, confirming the comological significance of these
poorer systems.
X-ray observations of groups are also allowing
us to address the question of the origin
the intragroup medium. In particular, metallicity
measurements may help distinguish
between a mostly primordial origin for the gas and gas
reprocessed through stars in the
galaxies. In clusters,
it is thought that metals
in the intracluster medium were produced in elliptical galaxies since the
mass in metals correlates well with the total
optical light in elliptical galaxies; i.e. a
fixed amount of starlight appears to contaminate
a fixed amount of
intracluster gas.
Similarly, in groups it also
seems likely that the primary polluters are elliptical
galaxies. We find that the metallicity
of the intragroup medium varies significantly
from group to group with some systems being
very metal poor (10-20% solar), while others are enriched (50-60% solar)
compared to clusters.
Furthermore, there is evidence of a correlation between the metallicity
of the gas and the temperature of the gas: the
gas metallicity increases as one moves
from the coolest, low mass systems to the
hotter, high mass systems.
There is also a strong correlation between the temperature of
the intragroup medium and the early-type
fraction of the groups: the cool, low mass groups
contain mostly spirals, while the
hotter groups contain mostly ellipticals. Thus, the
correlation between temperature and metallicity
may simply reflect the fact that the
hotter groups contain more elliptical galaxies.
Although elliptical galaxies may be
responsible for the enrichment of the hot gas in both groups
and clusters, there are hints
that the nucleosynthetic histories of galaxies
in these two types of systems are
very different.
For example, the abundance
ratio of silicon to iron is approximately twice the solar
value in rich clusters, implying that most
of the enrichment of the intracluster
medium was by Type II supernovae.
In contrast, the silicon to iron ratio is groups
is solar,
suggesting Type II supernovae were less prevalent in
Significant gains in our understanding of the hot gas in groups can be
expected in the next few years with the launch of three new powerful
X-ray telescopes: AXAF, XMM and ASTRO-E. Together these instruments
will allow the spatial distribution of the gas
and its chemical composition to be determined in great detail.
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