The Hosts of Active Galaxies
An outstanding problem in current active galactic nuclei research is
what role, if any, the host galaxy plays in the fueling of the central
For the observed luminosities of Seyfert galaxies, mass
accretion rates of approximately one-solar mass per year are required.
Although the interstellar medium of the host galaxy contains enough
mass to be a possible fuel source, it is not clear how matter on kiloparsec scales
is transported to the small scales of the nucleus.
From a theoretical standpoint, galactic bars are perhaps the most viable
candidate for facilitating
the transfer of mass from large to small scales.
There have been many attempts to determine
the importance of such bars in Seyfert galaxies, but in general the studies find
little or no evidence that
Seyfert nuclei occur more frequently in barred systems than in
normal spiral galaxies.
The failure to find evidence for bars in most Seyfert galaxies may be due
to the fact that early studies concentrated on optical wavelengths
where the presence of extinction or a young stellar population might mask
any bar structures. For example, the prototypical Seyfert 2
galaxy NGC 1068 is classified as an
unbarred spiral at optical wavelengths,
but a strong bar is clearly seen in near-infrared
The near-infrared is expected to be a good place to
study the host galaxy of Seyferts because the galaxy energy
distribution peaks at approximately 1 micron,
while the energy distribution of the
active nucleus is at a minimum here. Furthermore,
since neither dust nor young luminous stars strongly affect the observed
emission at K band, the light at this wavelength is a good tracer of
the mass distribution, and thus bars.
To study the role bars play in the fueling of active galaxies,
Michael Regan (STScI) and I embarked on a large near-infrared imaging survey of
a sample of normal and Seyfert galaxies.
This sample offers several advantages over the
previous studies of bars in Seyferts.
First, our Seyfert galaxies have been selected from the Revised-Shapely Ames
(RSA) Catalog of Bright Galaxies.
These Seyferts are relatively nearby
which reduces the dilution of their nuclear spectra by the host galaxy light.
Thus, this sample is less biased against
low-luminosity galaxies than other Seyfert samples.
The nearness of these galaxies
also means we can resolve bars on the several hundred parsec scale.
Finally, we have also imaged a
comparison sample of normal galaxies under the same conditions,
so a direct comparison
between the hosts of active and normal galaxies can be made.
Not surprisingly, we find evidence for bars in many galaxies classified as
unbarred in the optical. However, approximately 20% of the
Seyfert galaxies show no evidence for bars, even in the near-infrared.
Furthermore, the
percentage of barred galaxies is comparable
in the normal and
active galaxy samples.
While some of the unbarred Seyferts have
nearby companions that might be responsible for
the nuclear activity, others appear relatively isolated.
While our study would seem to eliminate large-scale
bars as a universal mechanism for fueling nuclear activity,
there may still be differences between the normal and active galaxies
on much smaller scales. In fact,
theoretical models indicate that gas inflow generated by a rotating bar
extends down to approximately the inner kiloparsec of the galaxy,
not close enough to the central engine
for viscosity or cloud-cloud collisions
to take over and directly feed the central engine. However, these same
simulations suggest that a bars-within-bars mechanism may develop and
continue to drive material towards the nucleus.
In this model, gas driven inward from the large-scale
stellar bar accumulates in the central few hundred parsecs in a rapidly
rotating disk. If the mass of the gas in this disk is an appreciable
fraction (> 20%) of the dynamical mass at that radius, the disk
may become unstable and a gaseous bar can form. A dynamically unstable
series of such bars may exist, driving inflow until the point where the
central supermassive blackhole dominates the gravitational potential
(inner 50 pc).
The simulations described
above imply that our ground-based images may be inadequate to
probe the small scales where differences
between the normal and active galaxies are taking place.
To look for these differences we proposed and have been awarded HST time with
study the central regions of normal and active galaxies.
Our sample includes 182 objects,
so we expect to be able to make statistical statements about the properties
of these galaxies on the scales
of 10-30 parsec. The NICMOS images should provide
a direct test of the bars-within-bars scenario and hopefully provide clues
into what role if any the host galaxy plays in the fueling
of nuclear activity.
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