Doubtless. A cleanly isolated LAE. Doubtless as [OII]. Junk. Low EW continuum structure. Junk. Low EW continuum structure. Junk. Low EW continuum structure. Doubtless. High confidence on classification, medium confidence on association. The slightly best counterpart is 24420, but 24421 would also be low-z by EW. Chandra source. Doubtless. Chandra source. Doubtless. Doubtless. The only plausible counterpart has a larger than usual spatial error, but I take it as the most likely. If instead there is no counterpart, this would be an LAE. Doubtless. Junk. Funny, but this is a repeat of line entry 9. High confidence on classification, medium confidence on association. Chandra source. Could be both 25856 and 25857. Doubtless. Doubtless. Chandra source. Cleanly isolated, high confidence LAE. High confidence. Slightly more than expected spatial error. Doubtless. High confidence. More spatial error than expected, again. Chandra source. Doubtless. High confidence. More spatial error than expected, again. Doubtless on association, low confidence on classification. The SED is marginally better for high-z. The other EW estimators put it above the cut, but our usual EW estimator puts it within the errors but below the cut. Based on the literature hint, I call this an LAE. High confidence, but large spatial error. Low confidence. If the counterpart really is 28448, this is an LAE but if the counterpart is 28447, this is low-z by the EW. It's not entirely clear that the two image numbers are separate objects, but they do look so at HST. 28447 has an EW that by other estimators puts it over the cut. The SED of 28448 isn't quite the Uband dropout it should be, but the noise is high so the chisq penalty is mild. Very hard to tell, but I take the probability blindly and go with 28447. High confidence on classification, low confidence on association. Either no counterpart or counterpart 23701, which I take at a marginally acceptable distance. Doubtless. This is [OII], to be cross-listed with 28 as [NeIII]3869. Doubtless. This is [NeIII]3869, to be cross-listed with 27 as [OII]. Doubtless. Doubtless. This appears to be two sources at HST resolution. Quite certain, but the SED is very bad. Only one of the two objects look U bright, so I think it's not a clean deblend but the source nearest the centroid is still an LAE. Doubtless. This is LyA to be cross-listed with 32 as [CIV]1549. There's an Xray source 12" to the west of this object which is probably too large for Chandra, so I'm not calling it an xray detected AGN. There is a marginal Xray detection and some limits in a deeper observation in a NED paper. Doubtless. This is [CIV]1549 to be cross-listed with 31 as LyA. Doubtless. Doubtless. Chandra source. Doubtless. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]5007 to be cross-listed with 37 as [OII], 38 as Hbeta, and 39 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OII] to be cross-listed with 36 as [OIII]5007, 38 as Hbeta, and 39 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is Hbeta to be cross-listed with 36 as [OIII]5007, 37 as [OII], and 39 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]4959 to be cross-listed with 36 as [OIII]5007, 37 as [OII], and 38 as Hbeta. Chandra source. Doubtless. Doubtless. Doubtless. High confidence. This is a very crowded field, but by process of elimination and spatially proximity both 22451 looks like the counterpart. Chandra source. High confidence. There's a chance this is instead 28796 or that 28797 is even just a part of 28796, but the SED is reasonable and the better proximity favors 28797 as an LAE. The blind probability favors 28796, but its TKRS precludes it. Very low confidence. There's a second line in entry 57 that doesn't make sense with this line. Only one of them can own the bright continuum object 29111, and that leaves the other without a viable counterpart. Due to proximity, I give the counterpart to the other object. At HST resolution, the source 29112 is actually two sources with different colors in the ground images. They didn't get deblended in the imaging catalog, but the leftmost chunk is a good counterpart candidate. Even the whole source 29112 makes the EW cut, but it's clearly only the point source that's a high z. Doubtless. Medium confidence. This is a larger spatial error than usual. Doubtless. This is [OII] to be cross-listed with 49 as [NeIII]3869, 50 as Hbeta, 51 as [OIII]4959, and 52 as [OIII]5007. Chandra source. Doubltess. This is [NeIII]3869 to be CXed with 48 as [OII], 50 as Hbeta, 51 as [OIII]4959, and 52 as [OIII]5007. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is Hbeta to be cross-listed with 48 as [OII], 49 as [NeIII]3869, 51 as [OIII]4959, and 52 as [OIII]5007. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]4959 to be cross-listed with 48 as [OII], 49 as [NeIII]3869, 50 as Hbeta, and 52 as [OIII]5007. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]5007 to be cross-listed with 48 as [OII], 49 as [NeIII]3869, 50 as Hbeta, and 51 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Doubtless. Chandra source. Doubtless. High confidence on classification. Low confidence on association. #31265 is barely closer, but #31269 gives the better distribution in flux given our detection fibers. Both would be low-z by EW. I go with #31269. High confidence, but large spatial error. Medium confidence. There are two nearby emission lines that could be the counterpart to 29111 but not both. I take this as the likely counterpart based on proximity and call it low-z. Low confidence. The closest option is 32109 as an LAE, but 32110 is barely further away and makes more sense with fiber pattern. I call this low-z. 32109 couldn't be an LAE with the SED. Doubtless. Junk. Low EW continuum blip. Chandra source. Doubtless. Doubtless. Both 28408 and 28409 are at similar redshifts and are probably contributing. Medium confidence. This is near a bright source which tricks the continuum in the spectra. There is no imaging catalog counterpart, but that may be simply poor deblending since the HST image shows some good candidates. I call this a no counterpart LAE. Doubtless. This is [OII] to be cross-listed with 65 as Hbeta, 66 as [OIII]4959, and 67 as [OIII]5007. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is Hbeta to be cross-listed with 64 as [OII], 66 as [OIII]4959, and 67 as [OIII]5007. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]4959 to be cross-listed with 64 as [OII], 65 as Hbeta, and 67 as [OIII]5007. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]5007 to be cross-listed with 64 as [OII], 65 as Hbeta, and 66 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OII] to be cross-listed with 69 as [NeIII]3869, 70 as Hbeta, 71 as [OIII]4959, 72 as [OIII]5007, and 81 as Hgamma. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [NeIII]3869 to be cross-listed with 68 as [OII], 70 as Hbeta, 71 as [OIII]4959, 72 as [OIII]5007, and 81 as Hgamma. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is Hbeta to be cross-listed with 68 as [OII], 69 as [NeIII]3869, 71 as [OIII]4959, 72 as [OIII]5007, and 81 as Hgamma. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]4959 to be cross-listed with 68 as [OII], 69 as [NeIII]3869, 70 as Hbeta, 72 as [OIII]5007, and 81 as Hgamma. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]5007 to be cross-listed with 68 as [OII], 69 as [NeIII]3869, 70 as Hbeta, 71 as [OIII]4959, and 81 as Hgamma. Chandra source. Junk. A low EW continuum blip. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OII] to be cross-listed with 75 as [OIII]4959, 76 as [OIII]5007, 78 as Hbeta, and 85 as Hgamma. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]4959 to be cross-listed with 74 as [OII], 76 as [OIII]5007, 78 as Hbeta, and 85 as Hgamma. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]5007 to be cross-listed with 74 as [OII], 75 as [OIII]4959, 78 as Hbeta, and 85 as Hgamma. Chandra source. Junk. A low EW continuum blip. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is Hbeta to be cross-listed with 74 as [OII], 75 as [OIII]4959, 76 as [OIII]5007, and 85 as Hgamma. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OII] to be cross-listed with 80 as [OIII]5007. Doubtless. This is [OIII]5007 to be cross-listed with 79 as [OII]. Doubtless. This is Hgamma to be cross-listed with 68 as [OII], 69 as [NeIII]3869, 70 as Hbeta, 71 as [OIII]4959, and 72 as [OIII]5007. Chandra source. Doubtless. Doubtless. High confidence on classification, low confidence on association. All would be LAE by EW. The closest is 28992, but 28993 and 28994 are also possible. Doubtless. This is Hgamma to be cross-listed with 74 as [OII], 75 as [OIII]4959, 76 as [OIII]5007, and 78 as Hbeta. Chandra source. Junk. A low EW continuum blip. Chandra source. Doubtless. Likely junk and simply a cosmic ray. Doubtless. Doubtless. This one's hard. The counterpart 32155 appears by SDSS and Barger '08 to be a star and doesn't make sense with our line. There's an unclassified Chandra detection near. I speculate that we've lost a high-z AGN behind the star. The SEDs also don't make sense with [OII] or LAE classification. HST shows a clear, nice high-z counterpart. Low confidence. Low SN and ratty line profile, but if it's real it has a clear counterpart. Doubtless. Medium confidence. If it's real, the counterpart is obvious. Doubtless. Doubtless. Doubtless. A beautifully isolated LAE. Doubtless. The SED strongly disfavors high-z. Doubtless. Chandra source. Probably both 25455 and 25456. New? Doubtless. Chandra source. Doubtless. Doubtless. Doubtless. Doubtless. Medium confidence. The line has some flat field error, but if it's real the counterpart is obvious. I think I see H+K too, so it's probably fine. Doubtless. This is [OII] to be cross-listed with 108 as [OIII]5007. Doubtless. This is [OIII]5007 to be cross-listed with 107 as [OII]. Doubtless. Chandra source. Doubtless. Junk. A low EW continuum blip. Chandra source. Junk. A low EW continuum blip. Chandra source. Doubtless. Doubtless. Doubtless. Doubtless. Doubtlessly [OIII]5007 with a weak [OII] detection in redet. High confidence on classification, low confidence on association. It could be without a counterpart, or it could be 25825 with a large distance error. I take the latter option due to the nicely fitting SED. High confidence. There are two unassociated lines and only one imaging catalog entry. However, HST shows two overlapping objects. This is clearly low-z, but I'm not sure which is which. The other line is 121. Doubtless. Doubtless. See 119. Doubtless. Doubtless. Chandra source. Doubtless. Chandra source. Doubtless. Doubtless. High confidence. The imaging is messy, but anything would be an LAE. I take 26519 as the most likely mainly due to HST imaging. High confidence, but fairly large spatial error. Junk. Low EW continuum blip and cross-talk from bright star. Junk. Low EW continuum blip. High confidence on classification and association. The SED is very telling. New LAE. High confidence. Doubtless. The detection has one frame with a cosmic ray mask that's suspicious, but the line's real. High confidence. I take 19592 as with the closer SED and more compact, but either it or 19591 would be LAEs by the EW cut. Medium confidence. The only counterpart is 20365. At HST resolution, there might be two sources and it's then not clear if one could instead be an LAE, but I call it a low-z for now. Chandra source. Very interesting source. I call it an LAE/AGN because of the NED millimetric-z match. The only formal counterpart would be the distant 20782 which would be an unusually bright LAE by EW cut. However, it's obviously blended at HST res. So, I label it an LAE without a clear counterpart, although it could be some of the HST resolved objects. Barger'08 also measured the z-spec. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is Hbeta to be cross-listed with 138 as [OII], 139 as [NeIII]3869, 140 as Hgamma, 141 as [OIII]5007, and 149 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OII] to be cross-listed with 137 as Hbeta, 139 as [NeIII]3869, 140 as Hgamma, 141 as [OIII]5007, and 149 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [NeIII]3869 to be cross-listed with 137 as Hbeta, 138 as [OII], 140 as Hgamma, 141 as [OIII]5007, and 149 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is Hgamma to be cross-listed with 137 as Hbeta, 138 as [OII], 139 as [NeIII]3869, 141 as [OIII]5007, and 149 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OIII]5007 to be cross-listed with 137 as Hbeta, 138 as [OII], 139 as [NeIII]3869, 140 as Hgamma, and 149 as [OIII]4959. Chandra source. Junk. A low EW continuum blip. Chandra source. Doubtless. This is [OII] to be cross-listed with 144 as [OIII]5007. Doubtless. This is [OIII]5007 to be cross-listed with 143 as [OII]. High confidence on classification, low confidence on association. I've taken the closest counterpart and all would be LAE by EW, but 22500 and another object only at HST resolution may be the counterpart. High confidence on classification, low on association. Any would be LAEs, but I take 22765 as the closest. Doubtless. This one hovers right around the EW cut depending how you calculate it, but it's a NED confirmed LAE/LBG. The SED is also telling. Doubtless. This is [OIII]4959 to be cross-listed with 137 as Hbeta, 138 as [OII], 139 as [NeIII]3869, 140 as Hgamma, and 141 as [OIII]5007. Chandra source. Doubtless. A nice, isolated LAE. A new LAE. High confidence. Chandra source. High confidence. Medium confidence. Crowded, but most options would be LAEs by EW. I take 30584 as the closest. High confidence. Chandra source. High confidence. Doubtless. Chandra source. High confidence. Doubtless. Nice isolated, LAE/LBG. Doubtless. Doubtless. There's a NED spectral match to 21257, although it has an odd spiral shape. Without this match, I would have taken the nearest counterpart 21258 and called it an LAE. Chandra source. Turns out this is CIV1549, but I never would have known this without external information. I've searched for the LyA emission that should maybe be present and only find a S/N=3.1 value. Doubtless. Doubtless.