1-15 Alignment stars 15 67.5-4-0.80 -5 blue 2 OIII, Hb -- line is 5007 16 20.5+6-0.60 -5. blue 8 OII @8134 (sf8126) 17 27.5-2-0.55 -5 blue 5 OII @8160 (sf8144) 18 36.5+4-0.49 -4. blue 8 --- re-reduced for better sky subtraction;, but nothing obvious (sf8201 -- possibly there) 19 37.5+3-0.22 -6. blue 8 OII @8198 (sf8178) 20 60.5+3-0.41 -6. blue 8 OII @8181 (sf8184) 21 63.5-5-0.12 -6. blue 6 Lya @8166 -- not OIII, Hb, or Ha (sf8169) 22 43.5-1-0.12 -4. blue 5 OII @8223 (sf8202) 23 16.5-4-0.85 -6. blue 5 OIII @8182 -- line is 5007, also 4959 and wk Hb (sf8240! other just barely caught slit?) 24 22.5+3-0.30 -4. blue 8 Lya @8163 -- strong. Not OIII or Hb; no test of Ha, but non NII (sf8143) 25 21.5+3-0.29 -5. blue 8 OII @8179 (sf8163) 26 73.5-4-0.40 -5. blue 2 Ha @8135 -- OIII and Hb are strong (sf8166) 27 23.5+3-0.12 -4. blue 8 OIII @8086 -- 4959 is clean, as is Hb; 5007 on edge of chip gap -- 4959 is recovered line (sf8148) 28 49.5+4-0.72 -5. blue 8 --- improved sky subtraction by EV, but no lines in bandpass but bottom edge @8132 (sf8120) 29 17.5-2-0.18 -6. blue 5 Lya @8195 -- new sky redux by EV; broad line -- not OIII, Hb; Ha no test, but no NII (sf8178) 30 40.5-4-0.95 -4. blue 5 Lya @8127 -- right on chip gap; not OIII, Hb, Ha (sf8118) 31 58.5+5-0.94 -5. blue 8 Lya -- good line at 8167; not OIII or Hb; Ha no test, but no NII (sf8163) 32 51.5-1-0.97 -5. blue 5 OII @8210 (sf8093) 33 19.5-8-0.40 -4. blue 6 OIII @8114 -- line is 5007, but weaker 4959 is also there (sf8104) 34 70.5+1-0.34 -6. blue 3 OII @8228 (sf8262?) 35 56.5-4-0.68 -4. blue 5 Lya @8220 -- OIII, Hb, Ha all ruled out (sf8208) 36 55.5-5-0.43 -4. blue 6 Lya @8156 -- Ha and OIII, Hb ruled out (sf8145) 37 42.5-1-0.69 -4. blue 5 Lya: @8145 -- weak line; checked original detection, also wk @8132; not OIII, Hb; Ha no test) 38 24.5-1-0.14 -4. blue 5 --- @8138 a wk cont object (OII?) source should be below this -- sf8133, but there is a ft source *above* 39 31.5+6-0.66 -6. blue 7 Lya @8156 fairly weak; OIII and Hb ruled out; Ha no test (sf8107!) 40 30.5-5-0.81 -3. yellow 6 Lya @8221 good single line; not OIII, Hb, or Ha (sf8204) 41 64.5+2-0.62 -3. yellow 8 --- good sky subtraction, but nothing in the interval; continuum object well above (sf8180) 42 35.5+1-0.30 -3. yellow 8 Lya: @8173 could be OII, but blue comp too wk and spacing should be 6.1A and is 5A, Ha no test (sf8152) 43 25.5-4-0.13 -3. yellow 5 OII @8156 -- object has modest continuum -- check search frame (sf8131) 44 47.5+2-0.44 -3. yellow 8 OII @8124 (sf8112) 45 32.5-2-0.74 -3. yellow 5 Lya: @8151 -- cont is ff artifact. Looks like OII, but blue comp is noise, delta=4.1 ang; Ha no test (sf8130) 46 34.5-2-0.80 -3. yellow 5 --- no obvious line -- faint continuum at spatial position? new EV reduction (sf8241 *very* faint) 47 46.5-5-0.75 -3. yellow 6 Lya: @8158 very faint, not OIII, Hb, or Ha (sf8161, also very faint) 48 52.5+4-0.66 -3. yellow 8 OII @8191; (sf8177) 49 29.5-4-0.62 -3. yellow 5 Hb @ 8134 -- OIII 5007 is bright; 4959 falls on sky line (sf8123) 50 74.5-2-0.18 -2. green 2 --- single line @8229, but on ft cont -- note green classification (nothing in search08 spectrum!) 51 68.5+2-0.88 -2 green 3 Ha: @8201 -- faint cont? - but many bands -- not Hb or OIII, but no Ha test; (no search08 spectrum) 52 69.5+3-0.52 -2. green 3 OIII and Hb strong lines and continuum -- doesn't look like the right object (no search08 spectrum) 53 53.5-1-0.19 -2. green 5 --- nothing obvious in band (no search08 spectrum) 54 45.5-1-0.96 -2. green 5 Hb @8155 -- strong, and OIII (sf8132) 55 41.5-2-0.16 -2. green 5 Hb @8156 -- strong, and OIII, but strong continuum, as expected (sf8110) 56 26.5-3-0.31 -2. green 5 OIII @8203 (5007)-- both (strong) lines in the band -- consistent with 'green' class (sf8178) 57 49.5-4-0.37 -2. green 5 -- nothing, not even a continuum (no search08 spectrum) 58 65.5-6-0.23 -2. green 6 OIII @8184 -- like 56, both lines are in the band -- consistent with green (sf8183) 59 48.5-6-0.40 -2. green 6 --- continuum spectrum, consistent with 'green' classification (no search08 spectrum) 60 28.5+5-0.19 -2. green 8 OII im @8230 -- seems like the relative amplitude of two components varies significantly! (sf8215) "short slits" -- spectra from these can be improved, with better sky subtraction! 15 36.5+4-0.49 -4 blue 8 --- 16 14.5+3-0.91 -4. blue 8 Lya @8198 strong, not OIII or Hb; Ha no test; (sf8180) 17 49.5+4-0.72 -5 blue 8 --- 18 17.5-2-0.18 -6 blue 5 Lya @8197 strong & broad; from Hb, probe not OIII (5007) -- 4959 in chip gap; Ha no test (sf8177) 19 44.5+4-0.54 -6 blue 8 --- 51 objects were targeted 40 blue and yellow candidates (11 green candidates) Of the 40 blue and yellow, 8 were not recovered ( 4 green were not recovered) Of the 32 recovered (line-emission, no continuum), 17 are foreground (11 OII, 4 OIII, 1 Ha, 1 Hb) Of the remaining 15, 11 are certain or probable Lya detections and 4 are possible (at least 50/50) Based on this, Lya fraction between 34% to 47% Note: Of the single-line candidates that were not OIII or Hb, 9 could be Ha but the OIII/Hb is not covered by the spectrum However, of the 7 single-line candidates which did have coverage to confirm Ha, only 1 turned out to be Ha. This is consistent with the Dressler et al. foreground counts, and suggests that only ~1 of the 9 not-Ha-tested are Ha.