NAME Long6 OBSERVER Dressler TITLE Long Slits - 6 parallel slits MADE 2003-09-22 KDC TELESCOPE 71089.0 0.80906 3 Magellan INSTRUMENT IMACS -- POSITION 0 01:30:00.000 00:00:00.00 2000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TEMPERATURE 8.0 EPOCH 2000.00000 ! Test list of slits, manually edited ! Long parallel slits; 3 arc sec wide, spaced 144 arc sec ! symmetrically distributed about the center ! Filling the length of the 15.5 arc minute f/4 camera field ! Mask cutting reduces each slit to 8 slits with 0.6 mm gaps. ! SLIT Upper1 01:30:00.000 00:01:12 00.000 24.815 1.034 160.365 160.365 0.0 SLIT Upper2 01:30:00.000 00:03:36 00.000 74.444 1.034 160.365 160.365 0.0 SLIT Upper3 01:30:00.000 00:06:00 00.000 124.074 1.034 160.365 160.365 0.0 ! SLIT Lower1 01:30:00.000 -00:01:12 00.000 -24.815 1.034 160.365 160.365 0.0 SLIT Lower2 01:30:00.000 -00:03:36 00.000 -74.444 1.034 160.365 160.365 0.0 SLIT Lower3 01:30:00.000 -00:06:00 00.000 -124.074 1.034 160.365 160.365 0.0