SSample run of maskgenx using file mulchaey@hercules> maskgenx Enter input filename: Enter a title (<=32 chars.) for the mask plot: Enter RA (hms) and Dec (dms) of input center on one line 02 10 24.89 -39 29 37.1 Enter Epoch 2000 Enter 1 to skip warning if alignment star out of field Enter 0 to give warning 0 Enter 99 to modify default parameters, otherwize 0 99 Is this mask for COSMIC ? no Enter 1 to change alignment star box size Enter 0 to accept default size [8.0 arc sec] 0 Enter 1 to change normal polarity convention, 0 to accept default default is E is positive, N is positive 0 Enter 1 if input scale in pixels (not arcsec) AND input *NOT* from WFCCD direct image; else 0 0 Enter number of lines to skip at top of input file: 2 Enter 0 to bypass automatic offset changes, else 1 0 Enter 0 to set priorities automatically (alignment star squares are always selected) 0 Enter 1 to modify default field size limits, else 0 default values are 1500 arcs along slits [x] and 1080 arcs along dispersion direction [y] 0 Enter 0 for slits (default), 1 for holes 0 Enter 1 to modify slit separation, slit end-to-object and minimum slit length Enter 0 to accept defaults (4.0 pix, 2.0 arcsec, 10.0 arcsec) 4,2,15 Are tilted slits required? (requires individual P.A.s in 6th column of input) no Do you wish to stack spectra? no Enter the CASS RING angle for your observations acceptable angles are 90.0 < ringangle <= 270.0 180 gives N/S slits; 270 recommended for E/W slits 270 Enter the global slitwidth in arcsec 2.0 x0,y0 16.2938 24.0758 x0unproj,y0unproj,theta 16.2938 24.0758 6.28319 iteration #, current # of obj, Centroid x,y 1 23 16.29 24.08 x0,y0 -2.56278 12.6765 x0unproj,y0unproj,theta -2.56278 12.6765 6.28319 iteration #, current # of obj, Centroid x,y 2 19 -2.56 12.68 Number of objects in current mask = 19 Type for next page: Enter 1 to change the rotation angle and re-select objects 2 to exclude an object, 3 to include an object, 4 to plot again on the terminal, 5 type current list to term/outputfile, 6 to write a file 7 to edit lengths of slits 8 to include all objects 9 to exclude all objects 10 to add overall offset in x or y to all slits and reselect: 11 to exit program, no further output: 11 Enter name of ID postscript file Do you wish to check/alter the default milling parameters? no ENTER OUTPUT FILENAME FOR GM-CODE USE 8 OR FEWER ALPHA-NUMERIC CHARACTERS 0210mask write input list of all objects not on current mask but including alignment stars: [1=y, 0=n] 0 STOP: NORMAL STOP Note: IEEE floating-point exception flags raised: Inexact; Division by Zero; See the Numerical Computation Guide, ieee_flags(3M) THIS SHOULD PRODUCE FILES:,0210mask.ps1,0210mask.ps2 SEND THE EQUIVALENT FILES to 0210mask.ps1 and 0210mask.ps2 to Oscar Duhalde at LCO: