A sample file (C0210.galaxies.in.0) is provided along with the output from maskgenx for this file. The file C0210.galaxies.in.0 contains 5 columns: 1. object number (used to identify the object) 2. Offset from the nominal mask center in arcseconds in the east-west direction. Offsets to the east are positive. 3. Offset from the nominal mask center in arcseconds in the north-south direction. Offsets to the north are positive. 4. Priority number. In this example, all the galaxies are given the same priority (i.e. value=2.0). The first four objects are the alignment stars. All alignment stars should be given a priority of -1.0. 5. Magnitude (not used by the code) The commands and inputs used to generate WFCCD masks for this file are given in the file sample.mask.generation. The output files for maskgenx are: 0210.ps,0210mask.ps1 and 0210mask.ps2. 0210.ps is a postscript file showing what the mask will look like. This should be printed out for future reference. The files 0210mask.ps1 and 0210mask.ps2 are used to generate the metal masks. These files should be sent directly to Oscar Duhalde at LCO: oduhalde@lco.cl Questions regarding the mask making software should be directed to Andy McWilliam (andy@ociw.edu) or John Mulchaey (mulchaey@ociw.edu).