program mkmoog c c read the TiO line lists and produce a MOOG 2002 format file c character*52 line real*8 nair,wn,wmu,gf,gflog,ep c approximate refractive index of air nair = 1.0002786 do i = 1,20000000 read(5,'(a52)',end=900)line read(line(22:50),*)gf,wn,ep gflog = dlog10(gf) wav = 1.0d+8/wn wmu = wav / 10000.0 nair = 1.0d0 + ( 64.328 + 29498.1/(146.-1./wmu**2) + % 255.4/(41.-1./wmu**2) )*1.0d-6 c DEBUG c write(6,*)wav,nair c wav = wav/nair write(6,100)wav,'822.0',ep,gflog,'6.87' enddo c write(6,*)'End of Do-loop before end of file' c 900 continue 100 format(f10.4,5x,a5,f10.4,f10.4,10x,6x,a4) stop end