--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comments by A.McWilliam: The lab lines in labcorrected files are labelled as "lab" those seem to be the only ones that differ from the big lists At the moment TiOallmoog.dat is combined from all isotopes, with NO labroatory wavelengths included. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TiO line data 07/04-2006 B. Plez UPDATED: additional files for beta, gamma, gammaprime, alpha transitions: laboratory wavenumbers have been substituted when available. They originate from the work of Davis, S.P., Littleton, J.E., and Phillips, J.G., 1986, ApJ 309, 449 The difference Observed - Calculated (O-C) was computed for the 48TiO isotope, and then this O-C was used to correct lines for all isotopes. Corrected lines are marked with 'lab' in the list. The existing TiO line files with calculated wavenumbers were left untouched. The user should exchange the lines from the 3 systems in the full line list, if needed. ################################################################# TiO line data 08/09-2004 B. Plez bertrand.plez@graal.univ-montp2.fr placed on ftp://saphir.dstu.univ-montp2.fr directory: GRAAL/plez UPDATED : 1) sorted by isotope: TiO46.dat, TiO47.dat, TiO48.dat, TiO49.dat and TiO50.dat gf-values multiplied by solar isotopic factor 2) delta system : gf-values multiplied by 0.5 phi system : gf-values multiplied by 1.9 see: Plez, B. 1998, A&A, 337, 495 and Dobrodey, N.V., 2001, A&A, 365, 642 Formatting of the data identical to previous version (see below) ################################################################# TiO line data 20/07-1998 ftp.astro.uu.se/pub/Linedata/TiO/Readme reference to quote: Plez B. 1998, a new TiO line list. A&A vol. 337, 495 (preprint on ftp.astro.uu.se/pub/articles/atmos/TiO/) The present directory contains 10 data files + this Readme file. The data files are gzipped and are about 18Mb each: 18106497 Jul 14 11:21 TiOBPz1.lis.gz 18312633 Jul 14 11:25 TiOBPz2.lis.gz 18326329 Jul 14 11:29 TiOBPz3.lis.gz 18468274 Jul 14 11:34 TiOBPz4.lis.gz 18737222 Jul 14 11:38 TiOBPz5.lis.gz 18756129 Jul 14 11:43 TiOBPz6.lis.gz 18728740 Jul 14 11:47 TiOBPz7.lis.gz 18657177 Jul 14 11:52 TiOBPz8.lis.gz 18694975 Jul 14 11:56 TiOBPz9.lis.gz 17626139 Jul 14 12:00 TiOBPz10.lis.gz Once uncompressed they use the following amount of space: #lines #words #bytes 1573352 11984881 62934080 TiOBPz1.lis 1573352 11777263 62934080 TiOBPz2.lis 1573352 11604481 62934080 TiOBPz3.lis 1573352 11533813 62934080 TiOBPz4.lis 1573352 11464967 62934080 TiOBPz5.lis 1573352 11348299 62934080 TiOBPz6.lis 1573352 11220730 62934080 TiOBPz7.lis 1573352 11047819 62934080 TiOBPz8.lis 1573352 10924356 62934080 TiOBPz9.lis 1573350 11025736 62934000 TiOBPz10.lis 15733518 113932345 629340720 total The line list is ordered in decreasing wavenumber order. Lines for the 5 isotopes 46-50TiO are included with their gf-values scaled with the solar isotopic ratios. For more information about the content of the line list see Plez 1998. The format is the following: ---------------------------------------- 15 1 30 R1 5.95E-07 29896.211 .184 A ---------------------------------------- (i2,i2,i3,x,a4,e9.2,f10.3,f6.3,x,a) vup, vlow, Jlow, branch, gf, wavenumber (cm-1), Excitation (eV), transition id. Transition id's are: A alpha B beta G gamma H gammaprime D delta E epsilon P phi C B3-E3 F a-f The first line of each file follows: ==> TiOBPz1.lis <== 15 1 30 R1 5.95E-07 29896.211 .184 A ==> TiOBPz2.lis <== 4 2142 R3 2.69E+00 19610.761 1.577 A ==> TiOBPz3.lis <== 2 3 47 R1 2.80E-02 17971.423 .511 A ==> TiOBPz4.lis <== 7 5 79 PQ23 3.64E-01 16724.584 1.039 H ==> TiOBPz5.lis <== 3 1 16 QR23 6.80E-04 15556.695 .166 G ==> TiOBPz6.lis <== 13 9182 Q3 3.22E-01 14488.620 3.124 G ==> TiOBPz7.lis <== 6 6 73 SQ31 1.80E-05 13412.368 1.074 G ==> TiOBPz8.lis <== 5 8 68 OP23 9.06E-04 12326.900 1.289 H ==> TiOBPz9.lis <== 913 69 PR13 5.77E-04 11080.307 1.846 H ==> TiOBPz10.lis <== 5 9 78 Q3 5.77E-03 9591.156 1.490 G BPz 20/07-1998