Equivalent widths from GETJOB are not completely independent of the user; differences usually arise from decisions regarding continuum regions to be used, and over-riding the automated line fits. All abundances in this paper are based on EW measurements from TSH. We investigated the EW uncertainties by comparison with three stars measured by AMcW; also using GETJOB. We found typical 1$\sigma$ random errors of 3--3.5 m\AA , with systematic uncertainties of the same magnitude. The AMcW EWs did lead to slightly different atmosphere parameters and abundances: The largest changes were for I-245 with a 100K lower T$_{\rm eff}$ and microturbulent velocity lower by 0.2 Km/s. The derived [Fe/H] values were all within 0.05 dex of the values found from TSH EWs, while abundance ratios changed by less than 0.05 dex.