program hfs c c A routine to compute the wavelengths of hyperfine components given Jlo, Jup, c I, Alo, Blo, Bup, Aup (in MHz). c c The routine has been extended to provide a MOOG format line list (my Moog c input format), and so prompts for central wavelength, id, atom, eplow and c total loggf. c c NOTE! I assume that EP(low) is the same for all hfs components, which c is not strictly true (although it is a very good approx.); to make this c improvement I would need to pass elo for all lines to subroutine make_moog c c Written by Andrew McWilliam c implicit real (a-z) real dw(100),str(100) integer nflo,nfup,icount,iflo write(6,'(18h enter wavelength )') read(5,*)w write(6,'(9h enter I )') read(5,*)i write(6,'(16h enter Jlo, Jup )') read(5,*)jlo,jup write(6,'(23h enter Alo, Aup in MHz )') read(5,*)alo,aup write(6,'(23h enter Blo, Bup in MHz )') read(5,*)blo,bup c c first compute range of F values in upper and lower state c flomax = i + jlo flomin = abs(i - jlo) fupmax = i + jup fupmin = abs(i - jup) nflo = flomax - flomin + 1 nfup = fupmax - fupmin + 1 c c now find the allowed transitions c write(6,'(2x,3hFlo,2x,3hFup,3x,10h Elo(MHz) ,10hEup (MHz) , % 10h E(up-lo) ,10h Dlam (A),/)') sum = 0.0 icount = 0 flo = flomin do 100 iflo = 1,nflo c case f -> f-1 if( .and. flo-1.0.le.fupmax) then icount = icount + 1 fup = flo-1.0 klo = flo*(flo+1.)-i*(i+1.)-jlo*(jlo+1.) kup = flo*(flo-1.)-i*(i+1.)-jup*(jup+1.) elo = alo * klo/2.0 + blo * bterm(klo,jlo,i) eup = aup * kup/2.0 + bup * bterm(kup,jup,i) de = eup-elo dw(icount) = - (de/3.0e+04) * w**2 /1.0e+08 call strength(i,jlo,flo,jup,fup,str(icount)) sum = sum + str(icount) write(6,'(2f5.1,2x,3f10.2,2f10.4)')flo,fup,elo,eup,de, % dw(icount),str(icount) endif c case f -> f if( .and. flo.le.fupmax .and. then icount = icount + 1 fup = flo klo = flo*(flo+1.)-i*(i+1.)-jlo*(jlo+1.) kup = flo*(flo+1.)-i*(i+1.)-jup*(jup+1.) elo = alo * klo/2.0 + blo * bterm(klo,jlo,i) eup = aup * kup/2.0 + bup * bterm(kup,jup,i) de = eup-elo dw(icount) = - (de/3.0e+04) * w**2 /1.0e+08 call strength(i,jlo,flo,jup,fup,str(icount)) sum = sum + str(icount) write(6,'(2f5.1,2x,3f10.2,2f10.4)')flo,fup,elo,eup,de, % dw(icount),str(icount) endif c case f -> f+1 if( .and. flo+1.le.fupmax) then icount = icount + 1 fup = flo+1.0 klo = flo*(flo+1.)-i*(i+1.)-jlo*(jlo+1.) kup = (flo+1.)*(flo+2.)-i*(i+1.)-jup*(jup+1.) elo = alo * klo/2.0 + blo * bterm(klo,jlo,i) eup = aup * kup/2.0 + bup * bterm(kup,jup,i) de = eup-elo dw(icount) = - (de/3.0e+04) * w**2 /1.0e+08 call strength(i,jlo,flo,jup,fup,str(icount)) sum = sum + str(icount) write(6,'(2f5.1,2x,3f10.2,2f10.4)')flo,fup,elo,eup,de, % dw(icount),str(icount) endif c flo = flo + 1.0 100 continue call make_moog(dw,str,icount) stop end real function bterm(k,j,i) implicit real (a-z) if (i.eq.0.5 .or. j.eq. 0.5) then bterm = 0.0 return endif bterm = 0.75 * k*(k+1.) - j*(j+1.)*i*(i+1.) bterm = bterm / ( 2.0*i*(2.*i-1)*j*(2.*j-1.) ) return end subroutine strength(s,l,j,lup,jup,str) c c a program to compute multiplet line strengths: which should be c good for HFS too. c c Note that you'll probably want to get strengths for all lines c in a multiplet, especially for hfs.... c c equations taken from Condon and Shortly, page 238 c real s,l,j,sup,lup,jup,str logical switch c c At this point only computing the l = lup transitions c switch = .false. if (lup.eq.l) then if (jup.eq.j) then str = (2*j+1.) * (j*(j+1.)-s*(s+1.)+l*(l+1.))**2 % / (4.*j*(j+1.) ) elseif ( then str = (j-s+l)*(j+s-l)*(s+l+j+1.)*(s+l+1.-j)/(4.*j) elseif ( then str = (j-s+l+1.)*(j+s-l+1.)*(s+l+j+2.)*(s+l-j) % / (4.*(j+1.) ) endif c c Here consider the l = lup +/- 1 transitions c else c c for l = lup - 1 switch lup with l and jup with j c if ( then switch = .true. dum = l l = lup lup = dum dum = j j = jup jup = dum endif c if (jup.eq.j) then str = (2*j+1.) * (j+l-s)*(j+s-l+1.)*(s+l+1.+j)*(s+l-j) % / (4.*j*(j+1.) ) elseif ( then str = (j+s-l+1.)*(l+s-j)*(j+s-l+2.)*(l+s-j-1.) % /(4.*(j+1.)) elseif ( then str = (j+l-s-1.)*(j+l-s)*(s+l+j+1.)*(s+l+j) % / (4.*j) endif endif if (switch) then dum = l l = lup lup = dum dum = j j = jup jup = dum endif c c write(6,'(12h Strength = ,f10.4)')str return end subroutine make_moog(dw,str,icount) c c This program will take the hfs lists (with Dlam and strength), with user c inputs of central wavelength, species, EPlow, and loggf(total), to produce c a MOOG format line list. c character*30 atom*5,id*5 real dw(100),str(100),totstr,wav0,gflog,eplo,cofm c c get sum of strengths c totstr = 0.0 do 100 i = 1, icount totstr = totstr + str(i) 100 continue c c read other line info. c write(6,'(33h enter center of mass wavelength )') read(5,*)wav0 write(6,'(38h enter species id, eg Fe I = 26.0 (a5) )') read(5,'(a5)')atom write(6,'(37h enter species ascii id in A5 format )') read(5,'(a5)')id write(6,'(19h enter EP low (eV) )') read(5,*)eplo write(6,'(21h enter loggf (total) )') read(5,*)gflog c c first compute center of mass of computed HFS lines c do 300 i = 1, icount cofm = cofm + dw(i)*str(i) 300 continue cofm = cofm / totstr c do 200 i = 1, icount whfs = wav0 + dw(i) - cofm gf = 10.0**gflog * str(i)/totstr write(6,50)id,whfs,atom,eplo,alog10(gf) 200 continue 50 format(a5,f10.3,5x,a5,f10.3,10x,f10.4) return end